A recent study reveals that 50% of small and medium-sized businesses lack any cybersecurity measures, leaving them vulnerable to cyberattacks. While p...
Using a VPN might not keep you safe after all. Not all VPNs are created equal, and some may be doing the opposite of keeping your data secure. Find ou...
Android 13 is here – and it’s safer for your business. The updated mobile OS comes with new features that will help your team maintain a good work/lif...
There’s much more to learn about phishing than we could fit into this short crash course. If you’d like to go deeper and learn even more, our business...
Millions of people have downloaded a malicious browser extension containing adware or malware – and have no idea. We explore the productivity and secu...
Everyone hates passwords. And they could soon be a thing of the past. Passkeys are set to take over, and Apple’s the first company to roll them out th...
Three quarters of businesses now have people regularly working away from the office. But business owners and managers aren’t thinking enough about th...
The first step in being Wi-Fi aware is simply to be cautious when connecting to new Wi-Fi networks. It may seem like a Wi-Fi connection is merely a wa...
No matter the size of your business, you could be the target of a ransomware attack. These attacks are more complex to pull off than simple credential...
There’s a false notion out there among small businesses that can be unimaginably dangerous. It goes something like this: “We don’t need to worry too m...
Phishing emails are fraudulent messages that usually appear to be from some well-known, legitimate company or authority (like the IRS). But they actua...